How to run a Limit Equilibrium Method analysis from PLAXIS 2D


Finite Element Analysis - Limit Equilibrium in One Click

Application PLAXIS 2D
GeoStudio (SLOPE/W)
Version PLAXIS 2D 2023.1
GeoStudio 2023.1

PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22.01
GeoStudio SLOPE/W 2022
Status Technology Preview
Date created 10 May 2021
Date modified 31 August 2023
Easy one-click conversion between PLAXIS 2D and GeoStudio (SLOPE/W)

Figure 1. Easy conversion from PLAXIS 2D to GeoStudio SLOPE/W


For the determination of a Factor of Safety, the strength reduction method is a very powerful tool to obtain the most critical slip surface, a slip surface that may be circular but can also have any other form. However, there may be circumstances in which more information is required than just the most critical slip surface or when the critical slip surface is of minor importance from an engineering point of view. For instance:

In these cases, determining a Factor of Safety using the Limit Equilibrium Method would be the solution. With Limit Equilibrium, it is possible to specify exactly what part of the model the Factor of Safety must be determined while the method would still have the benefit of determining the most critical, possible non-circular, slip surface in that area. It would also allow within one model to determine different factors of safety for different parts of the model.

With the PLAXIS 2D - Limit Equilibrium converter tool, you will be able to quickly open the same model with the same geometry, the same staged construction configuration, the same loading conditions and the same material assignments in GeoStudio SLOPE/W or PLAXIS LE to run your Limit Equilibrium Method analysis.

1 Usage instructions

  1. Download the package from Downloads below
  2. Extract the zipped package and copy the content (lem_converter.pyw file and the entire plaxis_fele folder to:
    [PLAXIS 2D install folder]\pytools\input
    When using PLAXIS 2D, the default installation folder will be:
    For PLAXIS 2D 2023:
    C:\Program Files\Seequent\PLAXIS 2D 2023.1\pytools\input
    For PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22:
    C:\Program Files\Bentley\Geotechnical\PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22\pytools\input
  3. Start PLAXIS 2D Input
  4. Make sure Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements (GSE) are enabled
  5. Now you can

If you do not have write access to add files to the PLAXIS 2D installation folder, you can use this alternative approach:

2a. Conversion PLAXIS to Limit Equilibrium

Follow these instructions for conversion from PLAXIS 2D to a Limit Equilibrium file: GeoStudio SLOPE/W or PLAXIS LE

  1. Select the tab PLAXIS to LEM.
  2. Launch a PLAXIS file you want to convert to a Limit Equilibrium Method model
  3. Go to Staged Construction and select the phase
  4. Either
    • From the Expert menu, choose Run Python tool > lem_converter
    • Or from the Expert menu:
      • Choose Run Python Script > Open
      • Go to the location where you stored the script files
      • Select lem_converter.pyw
  5. PLAXIS 2D will prompt for the port configuration:
    • activate it (click OK)
    • the tool will automatically pick up the port number and password
  6. The tool will present a dialogue for a selection of what to convert
  7. Select to use GeoStudio (SLOPE/W) or PLAXIS LE as the target Limit Equilibrium software
  8. Select the conversion settings, e.g. which slip direction you want to consider
  9. Click to Convert.
  10. The conversion process will start, resulting in a message with
    • Conversion warnings and info
    • Options to view the full log file
    • And open the newly generated LEM model file
  11. Using the button, you can select to directly open the newly generated LEM model file
  12. After a few seconds, PLAXIS LE or GeoStudio will be loaded with the model.
PLAXIS 2D to Limit Equilibrium converter tool user interface directly after launching

Figure 2. PLAXIS 2D to Limit Equilibrium converter tool user interface directly after launching

2b. Conversion GeoStudio SLOPE/W to PLAXIS 2D

Follow these instructions for conversion from a 2D GeoStudio geometry to a PLAXIS model

  1. Select the tab GeoStudio Reader.
  2. Select a source GeoStudio file (*.gsz)
  3. Select the appropriate geometry
  4. Click to Convert
    • The tool will warn when a model is still open in PLAXIS 2D to prevent data loss.
  5. The conversion will start a new PLAXIS model and builds up the model according to the data in the GeoStudio model

Note: Only geometry and soil material assignments are converted from GeoStudio files to PLAXIS.

GeoStudio reader tab - user interface

Figure 3. GeoStudio reader tab - user interface


In the video below, a slope has been modelled in PLAXIS 2D, and the safety analysis predicts one global factor of safety. With the PLAXIS 2D to Limit Equilibrium converter, we can investigate multiple parts of the analysis to run an analysis for.

For an older demonstration using PLAXIS LE, see here.


Limitations converting PLAXIS 2D to a LEM model

The phase configuration of a PLAXIS 2D model can be converted into a Limit Equilibrium model (GeoStudio or PLAXIS LE). By default, the geometry, material assignments and available parameters, distributed loads and the water table will be converted.
GeoStudio's SLOPE/W model starts by default with a Morgenstern-Price method and a Circular Entry and Exit method.
The PLAXIS LE model starts, by default, with a Circular Slope Search using the GLE (Fredlund) calculation method for a first, fast, robust approximation of the slope stability.

In the current version, the following limitations/restrictions apply:

Note that the PLAXIS 2D to Limit Equilibrium model converter will indicate this in the conversion log. Make sure to read it before continuing in GeoStudio or PLAXIS LE.

Limitations specific to reading GeoStudio files to convert to PLAXIS 2D


The latest PLAXIS 2D - Limit Equilibrium converter requires:

This tool requires access to the PLAXIS Python Remote scripting library using Python 3.8.x.

Updates and release version info

This tool is released as a Technology Preview and available as a separate download version only. Any updates will be added to this page, so check this page regularly.

Version 0.9.16 [2023-04-06] link
  • Support for PLAXIS 2D 2023.1 and its Python environment
  • Conversion PLAXIS to Limit Equilibrium
    • we can change the file name for the resulting LEM file
    • changing the destination folder will be remembered after refreshing or changing the selected phase
    • PLAXIS LE and GeoStudio can deal with cable bolts
    • Launch the latest GeoStudio installation that can be found in the Windows registry
  • GeoStudio Reader
    • Enabled GeoStudio reader
    • Support for GeoStudio 2023.1
    • Conversion from GeoStudio to PLAXIS will warn about an open PLAXIS 2D model
    • Disregard GeoStudio 3D Geometry items (SLOPE3D, SEEP3D)
    • Added support for Hoek Brown parameter reading
Version 0.9.9 [2022-10-10] link
  • Updated to support PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition Version 22 Update 1 and Update 2 (22.01 and 22.02)
  • Upgraded to support Python Version 3.8.x
  • Added support for GeoStudio SLOPE/W
  • Added selector for PLAXIS 2D phase
  • Fixed an issue when the file path becomes longer than Microsoft Windows allows (255 characters)
Version 0.9.3 [2021-05-10] link
  • Initial release for PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition Version 21 Update 1 (21.01) in combination with PLAXIS LE CONNET Edition Version 21 Update 1 (21.01)


Previous instructions

See also