Generate crash logs with ADPlus

 Version(s):Connect, 2023

Generate crash logs with ADPlus


ADPlus is the debugger used to capture crash, hang dumps.

Steps to Accomplish

Steps to generate a Dump file with logs.

1.  Download and install Windows Debugging Tools

2.  Create a folder “C:\Temp”. All the logs will be created under this folder.

3.  Open a command prompt and change directory to Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows program.
     for a 64 bit machine:
     C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64
     for a 32 bit machine:
     C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86

4.  We will use Adplus to capture the dump logs. Run the following in command prompt.
     adplus -crash -quiet -pmn ustation.exe -o  c:\temp (V8i)
     adplus -crash -quiet -pmn microstation.exe -o  c:\temp (Connect)

5.  Reproduce crash now. If the problem is intermittent, this may take an indefinite amount of time; Do not close the command prompt window (highlighted in the image below) during this time. Allow some time for the memory dump to complete.

     After reproducing the crash successfully, allow some time for the memory dump to complete, the command prompt highlighted above will disappear. Once this has been completed please zip up the folder “20170606_135346_Crash_Mode” with the crash dump and upload the zip files to sharefile location provided in the email.
     Below is an example of a folder with a crash dump inside:


Note: The log file generation takes a long time. Do not close the following window marked with Red box.


See Also

ADPlus Crash

ADPlus Hang

Show loader snaps


Other language sources

Deutsch; Italiano

 Original Author:Leonard Jones