Troubleshooting Graphics Display issues

 Version:, CONNECT Edition
 Area:Graphics Display

Display issues could be of different nature and therefore could be related to different factors. Below you will find some settings and some factors that could cause display/graphic problems with your .dgn files and some suggestions/recommendations.


These types of issues might relate to one/a few specific files or to all, even new ones. If it affects all files, it is usually related to the machine in use, to the graphic card driver that needs to be updated, to Windows settings such as Desktop Composition or Visual Themes, to the OS in use that is not supported with the MicroStation version in use. If it affects all files it could also due to the Seed file used to create files. If it affects one file only or only specific ones, it is more likely due to the .dgn files settings in use such as the Design File Resolution Settings, to some kind of corruption within the file itself, or to some errors when creating a solid. 


Some common examples of graphic issues/display issues can be:

1. Missing lines/elements when zooming in/out

2. Displaying of extra lines

3. Lines/elements being not clear/looking blurry

Troubleshooting Tips

Case 1: All files are affected

1. The issues could be related to your machine:

  1. Check that your machine meets the minimum hardware requirements:

    - V8i:

    - CONNECT Edition:

    Please also make sure to check that your machine meets the requirements, taking your workflow into considerations: if for example your workflows involve heavy Visualization usage, make sure your machine meets the requirements listed in the table under the section “Recommendations for 2D and 3D workflows”. You can check your System Information file (.NFO) and compare it to the requirements ( ) or gauge how well MicroStation might perform on your computer, using the MS Graphics Benchmark.

  2. Make sure your graphic card driver has been updated to the latest one. You can check the graphic card driver version by looking into your System Information file in "Components">"Display". If upgrading to the newest Driver available doesn't solve the issue then test and see if an older Driver solves the issue. Note: as pc vendors may have made changes to the video card in your pc, it is best your vendor offers drivers. If not, or if these fail, you can check at your video card manufacturer's website. It can be a bit of trial and error to solve the problem.  

  3. Try to disable Desktop Composition and Visual Themes. This can help running an application without visual artefacts or simply a bit smoother:

  4. Check that the version of MicroStation you are using is certified/supported on the OS you are using. You can check the list of versions and correspondent certified OS from SELECTservices>software dwonloads or by going within the Installation folder of your MicroStation and look for the readmefile “readme_MicroStation.chm” under “Installation Requirements” (you can check the path by right clicking on the icon>tab Shortcut: you will find in “Target” the path to the installation folder of the version you are using)

2. The issues could be related to your .dgn file settings:

  1. Check your Seed files: Sometimes display issues might be caused by the use of an old Seed file, a Seed file that comes from an older version. It is always recommended to use the Seed files provided with the installation of the version in use (the default path to the folder of the Seed files provided with the latest version of V8i  is: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries)\WorkSpace\System\seed, similarly for MS CONNECT Edition).

    Graphic/Display issues are usually caused by V7 Seed files used in a V8 environment. V7 file format treated the solid working area, global origin, and working units differently:,

    You can check which Seed files you have used to create the file you have opened under File>Properties>Statistics under “Original File Format”.

Case 2: One file only or specific files are affected

1. The issue could be related to your Design File Resolution Settings:

Open the file>menu Settings>Design File>Working Units>Advanced Settings: check the value you have for Solid Working Area:

  1. The Solid Working Area (SWA) should be of 1km: 1km is the optimal value for solid modelling. >>Your solid modeling should take place within the Solids Working Area of 1km. If your drawing does not fit within the SWA you might experience graphic/display issues.
  2. The Resolution is by default 10000 for Meter distance but you can increase it if your drawings are very detailed and you need more precision. You could increase it to 10.000 or 100.000 per mm for example.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that it is not recommended to change the SWA value (if it is not currently of 1km) or the Resolution value within the current drawing file itself as this would lower the resolution and give further issues as changing the resolution would change the size of existing geometry in the model. You would need to make these changes within the Seed file you are using when creating new dgn files or you would need to: -Create a new empty dgn file, change the resolution settings -attach the file with the graphic issues as a Reference.-right click on it and choose Merge into Master and click on View to accept (see point “3” below)

2. Graphic issues are related to feature solids:

Try the Re-Evaluate Tree tool. It can happen that parts of the Feature Solid you are working on seem to be disappearing when performing certain basic operations such as changing the Display Style of the View in use. This can be due to the factors above (V7 seed files, SWA, Resolution) but also to the structure of the tree. The re-evaluate tree tool is used to re-evaluate all the nodes in an identified feature tree. This ensures that the structure of the tree, the boundary representation, and the visualization elements are all synchronized.

3. The current dgn file you are working on is for some reason corrupted:

Create a new file and attach as a reference the problematic one and perform a Merge into Master:

4. Issue is caused by a corrupted solid element:

Issue is possibly happening only when converting dgn-files to other formats. Symptoms of corruption could be e.g. that the solid is only partially visible, not being able to select or manipulate the element correctly, wrong results during conversion, etc. 

Suggested workarounds:

See Also

See also

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 Original Author:Alessandra Fugazzi