Is MicroStation 2023 a new version of MicroStation?
Which operating systems are supported?
What are the minimum hardware requirements?
Is the V8 DGN file format sustained in this release?
Can I install MicroStation 2023 on the same workstation as MicroStation Connect edition and MicroStation V8i?
Are my existing Bentley V8 products compatible with this version?
What is the easiest way to find the tools I need in this new version?
What versions of Autodesk ® RealDWG are supported?
Which object enablers are supported?
Are my existing Workspaces supported?
How do I migrate my user interface customizations to this version?
Is MicroStation BASIC still supported?
How do I migrate MicroStation BASIC macros to the new version?
What is the activation period for MicroStation 2023?
How are new element types such as tables and parametric cells handled in previous editions of MicroStation?
Are two licenses used if I start MicroStation CONNECT and MicroStation 2023 at the same time?
How do you create a .BIM file that can be used in the iTwin Attach dialog?
Why are some of my tools not captured in the recently used (Recents) Keyboard Shortcut menu?
Why is the recently used (Recents) tab missing from the Keyboard Shortcut menu?
File association issues after installing Bentley View 2023 on a machine with MS CE and MS 2023 already installed
This is the first major release adopting the new naming convention and the new version support lifecycle as per the Bentley Fixed Lifecycle Policy. MicroStation 2023 and subsequent major versions will be released on an annual cadence and supported (at least) until the end of the calendar year, three (3) years after the original release date, enabling the users to better plan for major version upgrades while staying current with security and performance updates. To learn more about the Bentley Fixed Lifecycle Policy, please visit Bentley Lifecycle Policy.
Which operating systems are supported?
Bentley does not support its software running on Microsoft operating systems versions that Microsoft has "retired". For more information on Microsoft's application retirement policy, click here. For similar information on Bentley products, refer to the Bentley Product Support article.
Note: *LumenRT is not certified on Windows Server 2022.
Yes, the V8 DGN format remains unchanged for the MicroStation 2023 and previous MicroStation CE updates.
You can install MicroStation 2023 side by side on workstations that are running MicroStation CONNECT Edition and also running the V8i edition of Bentley products.
MicroStation 2023 releases of Bentley applications will become available. Until then, Bentley V8i products are still compatible with this version at the file level, since the V8 DGN format has not changed.
After familiarizing yourself with the layout, be sure to use the integrated search found in the upper right corner of the interface to find any command quickly. You can also launch commands directly from the search bar.
The MicroStation 2023 ships with Autodesk ® RealDWG 2023 which supports DWG versions 14 – 2023.
Any object enablers that are compatible with Autodesk ® RealDWG 2023.
The following object enablers are available and run on RealDWG 2023:
Other object enablers can be downloaded from their respective vendors and installed. You should check the respective vendor's website to get updated products. This includes AutoPlant object enabler; check the Download Center page on Bentley's website for the AutoPlant object enabler availability in near future.
Even if you have previously installed the object enabler to work with AutoCAD, you must go through the object enabler's installation process after you have installed MicroStation, so that it can be found and used by MicroStation.
Object enablers from Autodesk can be either for 32-bit operating system or for 64-bit operating system. Make sure you download and install a correct version of an object enablers on MicroStation.
Yes. For MicroStation 2023 currently there is no automated way of transition of configuration from MicroStation Connect edition. User will need to create\move configuration and workspaces manually. For steps to migrate the configuration and preferences manually (click here). We are investigating making it an automated option for MicroStation 2024
All of your exiting toolboxes, tasks, cursor menus and custom application user interfaces from MicroStation CONNECT Edition are supported in MicroStation 2023.
MicroStation no longer includes MicroStation BASIC, it is suggested that existing MicroStation BASIC macros be rewritten as VBA to be used in the new version. The MicroStation VBA help documentation provides a good reference for VBA creation and we have included some of the primary differences between the two languages below to help you get started. Additionally, the Bentley Institute offers several MicroStation VBA Programming courses which provide in-depth instructions for customizing MicroStation with VBA
MicroStation BASIC macros can be migrated to the new version with one of the following methods:
MicroStation will run without a license for 7 days as an evaluation period. After being licensed, it must communicate with a license server at least every seven days to continue operation. In fact, all Bentley desktop products are now standardized on a seven day activation period. This ensures better, more accurate reporting and helps to make sure a company does not inadvertently exceed their license count.
For those customers running disconnected or mobile solutions the best option for uninterrupted operation is to check out a license. A checked-out license can run up to a year without connecting to a license server.
New element types are generally displayed in previous versions of MicroStation but remain read-only in that they cannot be edited or moved. However they can be copied or deleted.
Although two usage records are recorded, one for each product, only one usage is calculated as it is run on one unique machine. User is charged on usage not version of MicroStation on same machine. So the behavior is the same as if two instances of the same version were started at the same time.
How do you create a .BIM file that can be used in the iTwin Attach dialog?
The .BIM file is created from an iTwin Snapshot which is utilized by developers using the Bentley iTwin Platform. More information on iTwin Snapshots can be located at here. The recommended workflow however is to use attach an iModel from the iModelHub in order to attach the latest, most up to date revision of the iModel in your DGN file.
Keyboard shortcuts, are shortcuts to specific groups or tools in the ribbon. When using the Recents tab, only tools used from the ribbon are captured. Tools used from the Context menu and Tool Boxes are not captured.
The Recents tab will only display after you've selected at least one tool from the ribbon in the MicroStation session.
File association issues after installing Bentley View 2023 on a machine with MS CE and MS 2023 already installed
In this case, when MicroStation CE & MicroStation 2023 are already available & then Bentley View 2023 is installed, it doesn't show MicroStation 2023 on dgn files in "Open With" from Windows explorer. Shows only MicroStation CONNECT Edition & Bentley View2023. But can open dgn files by browsing MicroStation 2023 (after launch).
Workaround is
2. If Bentley View is installed with "File Association" ON then to bring back MS 2023 option,
a. Uninstall Bentley View 2023
b. Modify MS2023 installer with first OFF & then ON.
c. Install Bentley View with File Association" OFF.
Note : This works when having MicroStation 2023 & Bentley View 2023 on same machine.