How to Break the Association between certain Files and a specific WorkSet (Remove File Branding)

 Version(s):CONNECT, 2023


We need to break the association between certain files and a specific WorkSet (example: MetroStation, Plant, etc)
Note: This could be applicable when, for example, we made the mistake of opening different files with the wrong WorkSet (example with MetroStation WorkSet) and some changes were already made in the files.

Steps to Accomplish

Important Note: Be sure that the settings are not being saved on exit either through the User Preferences or in some other manner. If settings are saved when closing, the file might be reassociated.

1) Open the design file (will open with the wrong WorkSet associated to it). Once the file opens, you can verify in the Properties dialog which WorkSet was used. See below image:

2) With the design file opened, run the Keyin: file disassociateworkset

This will break the association with that WorkSet (MetroStation in this example).

3) Close MicroStation and open the file again.
This time, select the correct Workspace/WorkSet or the No Workspace/No WorkSet if none are used.

Note: You will not get an alert message about the file being associated to the other wrong WorkSet anymore. You can verify this by observing the File Properties to see what WorkSet the file is associated to now.

See Also

Look also for additional information in the Online Help Documentation:

Including Files in the Active WorkSet
There is extra information about how to run a batch process in case different files need to have the association to WorkSet broken.
 How to remove the workset association in a dgn file 

Other Languages Sources

Deutsch , Français, Italiano

 Original Author:Maria Munoz