PLAXIS 2D Tutorial 08: Dry excavation using a tie back wall - ULS


Application PLAXIS 2D
Version PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V21.01
PLAXIS 2D 2024.1
PLAXIS 2D 2024.2
Date created 20 May 2017
Date modified 21 August 2024

In this tutorial a Ultimate Limit State (ULS) calculation will be defined and performed for the submerged construction of an excavation. The geometry model of Tutorial 03 will be used. The Design approaches feature is introduced in this example. This feature allows for the use of partial factors for loads and model parameters after a serviceability calculation has already been performed.


This exercise requires a PLAXIS 2D Advanced or PLAXIS 2D Ultimate license.

The attached *.log file contains all the commands to generate the model. With a Bentley Geotechnical SELECT Entitlement [GSE] licence, you can use the commands runner to open the *.log file and to execute all commands in one go, see also this instruction.




See also