Capture Google Earth Images Using Placemark Monuments

 Version:All versions
 Subarea:Google Earth

How to

Capture Google Earth Images Using Placemark Monuments


  1. Create Placemarks in Google Earth.
    1. In Google Earth, click “Add Placemark” from the toolbar, or in the menu click Add > Placemark.
    2. A Placemark will appear in the center of the Google Earth view. Drag it to a reference location that is also in the MicroStation model.
    3. In the “Google Earth – New Placemark” dialog, enter a name and click OK.
    4. Repeat for additional reference points.
  2. Save Placemark in Google Earth.
    1. In Google Earth, right-click on each placemark and select “Save Place As”.
    2. Note the directory, and click Save.
    3. Repeat for all additional placemarks.
  3. Add Placemark Monuments to MicroStation.
    1. In MicroStation, go to: Tools > Geographic > Define Placemark Monument.
    2. In the “Define Placemark Monument” dialog, select the source “Google Earth Placemark File”.
    3. Click on the magnifying glass symbol.
    4. In the “Select Placemark files” dialog, select the KMZ file(s) containing the placemark monuments that were saved from Google Earth (step 2).
    5. Click Done.
    6. Place the placemark(s) to the corresponding reference location(s) in MicroStation.
  4. In Google Earth, zoom to the location to capture.
  5. Capture Google Earth Image in MicroStation.
    1. Go to: Tools > Geographic > Capture Google Earth Image.
    2. Enter a data point to capture the current Google Earth view.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 as needed.

See Also

Other Language Sources


 Original Author:Craig Calvin