How can a Resource File (.rsc) be added to MicroStation?

 Version:V8, V8i, CONNECT, 2023


How can a MicroStation Resource File (.rsc) be added into MicroStation's configuration so it is automatically loaded each time a design file is opened?


The Resource File will need to be added to the search path for the configuration variable MS_SYMBRSRC

Option 1 - Add the .rsc file into exisiting file path

1. Open Configuration Variables dialog
    CONNECT/2023: File > Settings > Configuration > Configuration Variables 
    V8i: Workspace > Configuration

2. Locate the MS_SYMBRSRC configuration variable
Symbology Category > MS_SYMBRSRC
    V8i: Symbology Category > Symbology Resources

3. Check the available file paths in the expansion field

4. Copy the RSC file into one of these existing paths. It would be recommended to avoid adding to the Program Files directory as these are MicroStation's system directories.
In the above example, the ProgramData directory would be the best location to add a copy of the .rsc file as it uses the Organization tier of configuration.

Option 2 - Add file path into MS_SYMBRSRC

1. Open Configuration Variables dialog
    CONNECT/2023: File > Settings > Configuration > Configuration Variables 
    V8i: Workspace > Configuration

2. Locate the MS_SYMBRSRC configuration variable
 Symbology Category > MS_SYMBRSRC
    V8i: Symbology Category > Symbology Resources

3. Choose the Select button

4. In the Select File List for Symbology Resources dialog, add the .rsc files you wish to add to the configuration

5. Select Done > OK > select Yes to save

6. Close/reopen MicroStation for changes to take effect

See also

How to import Line Styles into a design file without using Configuration Variables

Other language sources


 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group