New in PLAXIS 2D/3D Output Viewer 2023.1
Release: February 2023
The PLAXIS 2D/3D Output Viewer Version 2023.1 contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS Output Viewer CONNECT Edition V22.02:
- PLAXIS 2D Output Viewer 2023.1 (
- PLAXIS 3D Output Viewer 2023.1 (
PLAXIS 2D and 3D Output Viewers are available free to use. The PLAXIS Output Viewer is a standalone application intended for viewing and inspecting the results of a fully calculated PLAXIS model. This application helps you accelerate approvals and reviews by allowing project reviewers, consultants, or clients to provide feedback quickly, without the need to own or use a commercial PLAXIS 2D or PLAXIS 3D license.
New features
File version updateThe application is compatible with the following PLAXIS releases:
- PLAXIS 2D Output Viewer 2023.1 can be used for PLAXIS 2D files calculated and saved in PLAXIS 2D 2023.1
- PLAXIS 3D Output Viewer 2023.1 can be used for PLAXIS 3D files calculated and saved in PLAXIS 2D 2023.1
Compatibility notes: The application is now compatible with the latest PLAXIS release. This PLAXIS 2D Output Viewer can be used for PLAXIS 2D files calculated and saved in CONNECT Edition V22.00, V22.01, or V22.02 or PLAXIS 2D 2023.1. Due to changes to the material objects data structure introduced in V22, this latest release of the Output Viewer is not compatible with V21 or older projects.
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