PLAXIS Output Viewer CONNECT Edition V20.04 Release notes

New in PLAXIS 2D/3D Output Viewer CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4

Release: September 2020

The PLAXIS 2D/3D Output Viewers contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS Output Viewer CONNECT Edition V20 Update 3:

PLAXIS 2D and 3D CONNECT Edition Output Viewers are now available free to use. The PLAXIS Output Viewer is a standalone application intended for viewing and inspecting the results of a fully calculated PLAXIS model, enabling the communication of results to stakeholders without a PLAXIS license:

New features

File version update
The application is compatible with the latest PLAXIS release:
  • PLAXIS 2D Output Viewer can be used for PLAXIS 2D files calculated and saved in PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4
  • PLAXIS 3D Output Viewer can be used for PLAXIS 3D files calculated and saved in PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4

Download links

PLAXIS 2D Output Viewer CONNECT EditionPLAXIS 3D Output Viewer CONNECT Edition

PLAXIS 2D Output Viewer

PLAXIS 3D Output Viewer