PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V21 Update 1 ( contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V21.00:
Subspace accelerator in phase settings
Added subspace accelerator as an additional numerical control parameter in the phase settings. This new numerical setting helps to improve the behavior of slow converging calculations.
Fixed issues
A large number of issues have been addressed, including:
- [555184] The curves manager now loads older curves again
- [547941] Fixed an issue with tunnel girders added to segments with negative radii
- [547421] UDSM EVE-MC: fixed issue for using the proper dilation angle value for the Mohr-Coulomb behaviour
- [540727] Ru values for dynamic consolidation when using UBCSand are shown again
- [514609] Fixed an issue for showing preconsolidation stress Pc values in a Safety Analysis for Soft Soil and Soft Soil Creep
- [513593] Fixed an issue with PLAXIS Python scripting when groups of phases were used in PLAXIS Output
- [512083] Improvements on the Object Reference documentation for Plate materials
- [511654] Exposing cutgeometry in Staged Construction mode
- [506019] Numerical performance increase when using max load fraction
- [474107] Fixed an issue with word-wrap in the commands runner.
- [462420] Concrete model: φmax should have a value greater than zero. This is now checked and an error is given when the value is zero
- [435033] Display improvements for Rayleigh damping parameter selection for higher frequencies
- [421505] Cyclic Accumulation tool: visualtion improvements in DSS graph
- [414600] Fixed an issue in retrieving state parameter values (User Defined Soil models) in curves when using post-calculation selected stress points
- [379834] Fixed an issue in the creation of the geometry in the Tunnel Designer
- [379689] Fixed isssue DoBoot(): Failed to initialize DLL when starting PLAXIS. Note: also requires the latest CONNECTION Client for the fix.
- [379295] Waterload tables are now also updated when switching your phase in PLAXIS Output
- [378894] Snapping settings are now remembered
Download links
You can update to the latest version using the CONNECTION Client, or download the installer via Bentley System's Software downloads.