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Product(s): | Bentley Structural eSeminar | ||
Version(s): | All | ||
Environment: | N/A | ||
Area: | Q & A | ||
Subarea: | N/A | ||
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group | ||
This eSeminar was originally presented on April 30th, 2013
You can view the recording online at our BeConnected site.
The following are the product-related questions and corresponding answers from the eSeminar.
1. Q: Does ProSteel produce both GA drawings and Fabrication drawings?
A: Yes, through DetailCenter
2. Q: What is the difference between ProStructures and Building Designer?
A: ProStructures is for projects where steel connections, details, platework is a big part of the project, also where detailed rebar is important. Building Designer is for integrated BIM projects where General Arrangement drawings are more important.
3. Q: Can I bring concrete objects from Revit and reinforce with ProConcrete?
A: Yes, through ISM you can exchange structural objects and add steel connections with ProSteel, and detailed reinforcing with ProConcrete.
4. Q: Does ProStructure just merge the two output files together or does it run both at the same time?
A: Both, ProSteel and ProConcrete will run at the same time. No merging is necessary. Both steel and concrete objects can be contained within one DGN or DWG file, or projects can be logically split into separate reference or xref files.
5. Q: Is this functionality "out of the box" or is this customized?
A: Everything shown in the eSeminar was out of the box.
6. Q: This is all very impressive. However, it still must be designed. How is the design done and how is THAT design integrated with this modeling to produce the connections, anchor bolts, beam sizes, etc. in the model based on codes? Also, how do you input loads? It seems you are picking random sizes. Finally, you use this program AFTER a complete structural analysis, is that correct?
A: Not necessarily. The project can begin modeling in either the BIM product (ProStructures) or the analysis/design product (STAAD, RAM, etc). Glad you thought this is impressive. Initial modeling can be done in either ProSteel or STAAD. If the 3d model is started in ProSteel, the initial sizes are simply chosen by designer experience or by depth. Then the model can be exported to STAAD through our free ISM technology (see When the model is opened in STAAD, loads, supports, releases, etc may be added – and optimal design done. Once final section sizes are chosen, STAAD exports to ISM, and then the ProStructures model may be updated with the new section sizes (ISM technology is the hub for data transfer). If the initial model is created in STAAD, the objects can be passed to ProSteel via ISM. There are things to consider with this method, such as neutral axis modeling (STAAD), vs. ‘cardinal point’ modeling with ProStructures. However, any top of steel adjustments are easily made in ProSteel (albeit manually).
7. Q: The final part of the question was if you must use ProStructures after a complete structural analysis?
A: Not necessarily. The project can begin modeling in either the BIM product (ProStructures) or the analysis/design product (STAAD, RAM, etc).
8. Q: What program do you recommend to select sizes from load input?
A: For plant, oil and gas, and many industrial projects: STAAD.Pro or STAADX. For commercial structures: RAM is hard to beat. For offshore: SACS. For foundation design: STAAD Foundation Advanced. For steel connection design: RAM Connection. All of the products above integrate with ProStructures through the ISM technology.
9. Q: Does ProConcrete do masonry walls?
A: You can model almost anything with ProConcrete. However, it is built for concrete projects. Maybe AECOsim Building Designer would be a better choice.
ProConcrete and AECOsim Building Designer handle masonry in similar ways – both allow for 3d modeling and 2d drawing production. Please note that neither product models individual blocks, but rather model an 8” concrete block wall X 8’ high x 22’ long for example. Building Designer does deliver a more complete set of default block patterns than ProConcrete does (stacked, running bond).
10. Q: Can we assign piece mark numbers to the structural steel?
A: Yes. Automatically or manually. You even can define the equal part comparison options, and you can add your own “rules”.
11. Q: Can you import a LEAP Bridge mesh into ProConcrete and detail it?
A: You can import today a LEAP bridge via “native” objects, and you can detail it.
12. Q: How does this work for structural analysis and iterative design? Can you import/export this model into something like STAAD otherwise?
A: Supporting a common, every-day iterative workflow is exactly what Bentley’s structural products are intended to provide. Our ISM technology is the center of the exchange process. ISM is unique from other technologies that handle exchanges (like CIS/2, SDNF, SDNF3) in that ISM is a single repository used throughout the design process (SDNF and other formats are snapshots in time). ISM manages the exchange, allowing you to undo previous updates.
13. Q: How far can ProStructures interface with STAAD.Pro; and am worried about the speed of the file and the possibility of eliminating some of the error reports we normally get on STAAD Foundation Advanced, etc.
A: Bentley would be very interested in helping handle some of the error messages/reports you are getting from SFA, but yes: Foundations from ProStructures can be exchanged to SFA.
14. Q: this program calculate or is only is for design?
A: No analytical or design calculations are performed within ProStructures, but the data from ProStructures can be transferred to programs which perform structural analysis and design.
15. Q: Have you got polyline work for doing rebar in special structures such as draft-tubes?
A: ProStructures can be used for any kind of projects. Everything that you can model, can be a concrete object. Our rebar can be based on 3D B-Splines.
16. Q: Are you able to modify the 2D outputs to adhere to certain DOT or client CAD standards?
A: The outputs are 100% customizable, and you can organize the settings to satisfy multiple customers automatically.
17. Q: Could you please tell me more about the new Bentley Institute Press STAAD book?
A: Bentley’s first structural analysis and design book puts theoretical concepts for a structural design into practice with STAAD.Pro. It is a technical reference guide relating code and design requirements to the world’s leading structural analysis and design software. You can learn more about it or order one here.
18. Q: How do we learn more about last year’s Be Inspired Award winner and finalists in the Structural Engineering category?
A: Bentley is proud to have received a number of great use cases for this popular category. Last year’s finalists and winner were outstanding uses of Bentley products for their Innovation in Structural Engineering projects. Consider entering your innovative project in next year’s competition, which was just announced on our Be Inspired website, with awards in October 2013 in London!
19. Q: How do we get the continuing education credits? How can I get a certificate of attendance of CEU's?
A: Bentley Learning Units (BLU), Bentley Institute’s equivalent to Professional Development Hours (PDH), are granted for the live and recorded eSeminar. Within 2-4 weeks of watching the presentation, Learning Units are added to your transcript. You can access your transcript here. On the "My Learning History" page, there is a detailed how-to guide related to Learning Units and transcripts, in addition to the link to the user’s online transcript. In most states, users can submit their Bentley transcripts for consideration for continuing education credit toward their registration renewals.
20. Q: How do I view this eSeminar again or share it with a colleague?
A: This event along with the live Q&A were recorded and it is available online at our BeConnected site.