Add/Edit ProjectWise CSBs (Configuration Settings Blocks)

 Product(s):ProStructures, ProjectWise
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
 Area:ProjectWise Integration
 Subarea:ProjectWise Dynamic Managed WorkSpace
 Original Author:Vyanktesh Nama, Bentley Product Advantage Group


This is the second step of ProjectWise Integration with the ProStructures application. In this wiki section, we are going to learn how to add/edit ProjectWise CSBs (Configuration Settings Blocks). This can be done in the ProjectWise Administrator, under WorkSpace > Managed.

In this step, we are going to complete the following tasks:

A] Create a new "Predefined" level CSB for ProStructures called PSCE_Configuration_Root.

B] Create a new "Global" level CSB called PSCE_Global_Config_Variables.

C] Create a new "WorkSpace" level CSB called PSCE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName.

D] Create a new "WorkSpace" level CSB called PSCE_UNITSYSTEM.

E] Create a new "WorkSet/Project" level CSB called PSCE_Dynamic_WorkSetName.

Step 3: Add Exclusions (variables to be excluded from copy-out).