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Supports MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 7

About Technology Preview Features

To know more on how to optionally install technology preview features, refer to the "ProStructures Product Installer" section below.

Some features delivered with ProStructures CONNECT Edition are specifically identified as “Technology Preview” features.

Technology Preview features are:

However, these features are provided to users as a courtesy and the primary goal is for the feature to gain wider exposure with the goal of full support in the future.

Customers may find these features useful in a non-production environment. Users are welcome to provide feedback and functionality suggestions for a Technology Preview feature before it becomes fully supported. Bentley Systems intends to fully support Technology Preview features in a future release, at which time the features will no longer be identified as Technology Preview features.

Technology Preview features display the following message in the Message Center every time one of these features is used:

Take advantage of this Technology Preview, a non-public software service and/or application for evaluation purposes only. Please use the Technology Preview in your normal business environment as needed to form an opinion concerning the performance of the Technology Preview. Bentley personnel would welcome your valued feedback concerning the performance of the Technology Preview as you evaluate the capabilities. Please be aware that at some point, you may receive notice from Bentley that such use must cease or this Technology Preview will become unavailable to you. As we receive feedback, this Technology Preview may also be enhanced, updated or also discontinued without notice. As a Technology Preview, it is provided to you "as-is" without the benefit of any Bentley warranty, indemnity or support obligation. Thank you!  For more information about ProStructures Technology Preview Features, please refer to the ProStructures Readme file, or the ProStructures Help documentation.

The following commands are Technology Preview Features in the ProStructures CONNECT Edition x64 release:

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Power Platform Changes


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Benefits of ProStructures CONNECT Edition

The CONNECT Edition is a web and cloud service platform which is provisioned using the Microsoft Azure Cloud that enables desktop, server and field applications to better collaborate and provide users a better connected experience.

ProStructures Product Installer

The new ProStructures CONNECT Edition installer downloads the latest versions of ProStructures installed components for you, and provides these options:

ProStructures Desktop Shortcuts

Four shortcuts are created when the product installation is complete. Unless High Security is required, you will start the product with the blue "ProStructures CONNECT Edition" shortcut.

Launching the product using the grey ""ProStructures MicroStation CONNECT Edition"" shortcut, starts native/pure MicroStation bypassing all ProStructures content and functionality. This is better known as running the product in MicroStation Mode. without the need to acquire an additional separate license

Note: Running the product in MicroStation Mode does not require an additional separate license.

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Workspaces and Worksets

Many regional datasets are provided with the product and organized in workspaces such as China or USA_Canada_Imperial. Workspaces are similar to localization in previous versions of ProStructures. The organization of dataset files and folders both in the product and worksets are controlled by a set of dedicated variables, providing users the flexibility to customize their working environment.

For quick access to the set of dedicated variables, a new ProStructures/Rebar category is added to the configuration variable list.

Tip: To learn more about workspaces and worksets, refer to the help documentation and watch "Welcome and Backstage" video in the "VIEW EXAMPLES" area of the Welcome to ProStructures CONNECT page.

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CONNECT Advisor is now an integral part of ProStructures CONNECT.

Tip: To Learn more about CONNECT Advisor click ? (help) on the CONNECT Advisor menu bar


ProjectWise Managed Configuration

ProjectWise managed configuration is supported by ProStructures CONNECT both for ProSteel and ProConcrete.

Managed configuration in ProjectWise allows you to store your workspace data in ProjectWise along with the configuration information necessary for ProStructures to access their workspace data.

A document is provided on how to setup managed configuration Go to docs.Bentley.com, and select Structural Detailing > Publication: ProStructures CONNECT Edition Setup Guide - ProjectWiseManaged Configuration.

Note: ProStructures CONNECT Edition support the following ProjectWise versions:

ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 3 ( &

ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 2 (

Support of Structural Synchronizer ISM 5 & 6

ProStructures CONNECT Edition provides you with the latest version of Structural Synchronizer for ISM data exchange.

iModel Publishing for Mobile Applications

You can now publish i-model (*.imodel) for mobile applications such as Navigator Mobile.


Two complete .Net projects in VB.NET and C# are provided with open code and documentation;

Corbel Distribution

Stiffener Distribution

These examples help you learn how to create your own tools/applications using the API.

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CONNECT User Interface

ProStructures CONNECT comes with a completely redesigned user interface consistent with all Bentley CONNECT products. The new interface has a welcome page, a work page and separate workflows for Steel, Concrete, Modeling, Drawing and Visualization.

Tip: To learn more about the new interface watch "Welcome and Backstage" and "The Ribbon Bar Interface" videos in the "VIEW EXAMPLES" area of the product "Welcome to ProStructures CONNECT" page.

Steel Workflow

A dedicated Steel workflow is now provided, where all available ProSteel functionality is grouped and organized on the ribbon bar in tabs, groups and buttons.

Concrete Workflow

A dedicated Concrete workflow is now provided, where all available ProConcrete functionality is grouped and organized on the ribbon bar in tabs, groups and buttons.

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Popup Menus

In ProStructures CONNECT popup menus are a fast way to access commonly use tools and functions. Two sets of Popups are provided. One for accessing platform native functions and the other for ProStructures specific functions.

Pressing the spacebar on the keyboard brings up the platform native functions in 3D or 2D models.

Pressing the slash (< / >) on the keyboard opens the ProSteel or ProConcrete functions based on the active workflow in both 3D and 2D models.

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NC DSTV Enhancements

Added square bar shape class support to NC-DSTV reports

Improvements for welded shape reporting

Log file improvements

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Position/Weld Flag Enhancements

Once EED (extended entity data) functionality is setup on the system, you can incorporate parts and group EED data to a PositionFlag definition.

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Drawing Production/DetailCenter Enhancements

Note: Two separate default view settings are provided for previews and manual detail creation, they are initially set to view 8 and 7



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Pipe Flange Connection Enhancements

Pipe flange connection can be created at the intersection of skewed shapes, with options to have the flange plates perpendicular to the first or second shape or at the miter angle between both.



Face Based Rebar Modeling

CONNECT edition delivers a major new feature called Faced-Based Rebar Modeling. This allows you to add 3d steel reinforcing bars that are parametric to concrete faces. This not only represents a huge improvement over previous versions in terms of ease-of-use, it also allows changes to the concrete faces to automatically correct the rebar as well. No other reinforced concrete BIM product allows the user as much control over non-typical concrete shapes.
Face-Based rebar modeling can be used with ANY solid element from MicroStation or Open Bridge Modeler. For example, users can assign Local Variables to define corbel dimensions, and then modify the variables based on analysis computations.

Another example would be a shear key on a typical bridge abutment. Compared to previous versions, this is a much easier way to model the rebar, because the rebar cover dimension is input as a variable. Any dimension changes will cause the rebar to update automatically WITHOUT tedious re-calculating locations of bars.

These examples are not pre-defined nor “hard-coded/known” concrete objects, they are completely defined by the user.  No other BIM product allows this level of control.

Two new associative tools are introduced as a Technology Preview in this release of ProStructures. You can create offset faces and intersection lines between offset faces to place rebar. The offset faces and intersect lines are associative, hence when the solid is modified the faces and intersect lines readjust to the change and any rebar applied to the faces and intersect lines readjust automatically.
Associative Extraction - the tool extracts an associative face and edge from solids and surfaces, keeping the face/edge association with the parent rebar solids.

Associative Intersection - the tool creates an associative intersecting edge between two associative faces of rebar solids.

The following are rebar tools supported by associative faces and intersections:

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3D Constraints and Variables

User defined variables and constraints can be created and used with concrete solids and rebar elements. Variables and constraints can control relationships between solid objects, such as ensuring the bottom face of a concrete column will be coincident with the top face of a concrete footing. Another use of variables and constraints would be to define a sloping face retaining wall with footing.

Parametric cells

You can create parametric cells by combining Variables, Constraints, Variations, and Face-based Rebar Modeling. Parametric cells can be saved and stored in a library of concrete "parts/objects" that are reinforced and parametric to be reuse.

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Annotations with favorites

Reporting and tables

Reports extract properties and formats them on to a report, which can be places in a MicroStation drawing as a Table. Beam, such as Column, Footing schedules placed on drawings.

Polycut rebarset now accessible from the ribbon bar instead of keyin.

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Re-factored and Improved Drawing Production

Deprecated ProStructures Tools/Functions

Changed Variable conventions in Presets.sys (in \WorkSpace\Rebar\projects\yourworkspace)

$bn presets are replaced in ProStructures version.

Please find the correct presets below,

#   $kl  - If positioned, $kl is the bar mark. If not positioned, $kl is total length of bar

#   $klb - Bar mark number for first bar in a varying range e.g., 26a.

  #   $kle - Bar mark number for last bar in a varying range e.g., 26g.

#   $ql  - Scheduled total bar length #        - $ql~a, $ql~b, $ql~c ... etc. retrieves the scheduled length of #          the scheduled dimension given by the letter that appears after the ~

#   $qlb - Scheduled total length of first bar in a varying bar range - ~a, ~b etc. can be added for specific bar dimensions

#   $qle - Scheduled total length of last bar in a varying bar range - ~a, ~b etc. can be added for specific bar dimensions