Bentley Information

Services and Support Information

TechNotes, FAQs, and additional Bentley product information, can be found on the Bentley Communities Product Technotes and FAQs Wiki page.

Log issues that you encounter with Bentley products using the Service Request Manager

Support Path

With ProStructures, you are required to establish a Support Path (previously known as Registration). This Support Path connection is a one-time procedure in the form of a Web page when you open ProStructures. Once the Support Path has been established, the File > Help > Product Support link in ProStructures becomes active. This link gives you access to the Support page. Through the Support page you can manage your profile and depending on your level of support: access TechNotes and FAQs; share information on Discussion Groups; search the product KnowledgeBase; submit, monitor, and track online service tickets; and use the latest technologies to share your desktop with a Support Engineer.

Whether or not you see the Support page depends on one of the following scenarios:

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Bentley Headquarters

Corporate Headquarters

Bentley Systems, Incorporated

685 Stockton Drive,

Exton, PA 19341, United States

Phone: 1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)

Outside the United States: (+1) 610 458-5000


International Headquarters

Bentley Systems International Limited

2, Park Place, Upper Hatch Street,

Dublin 2, Ireland

Phone: (+353) 1 436 4600


Asia Headquarters

Bentley Systems (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Unit 1402-06, Tower 1

China Central Place, Beijing 100025, China

Phone: (+86) 10 5929 7000


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