QuickInstall Guide

Before You Start

Note: If you used Microsoft's program to uninstall, the Repair tool will work correctly. However, if you used a third-party's product to uninstall, it may have removed files needed by ProStructures. For the procedure to repair ProStructures, refer to the topic To Repair ProStructures.

Note: Take advantage of this Technology Preview, a non-public software service and/or application for evaluation purposes only. Please use the Technology Preview in your normal business environment as needed to form an opinion concerning the performance of the Technology Preview. Bentley personnel would welcome your valued feedback concerning the performance of the Technology Preview as you evaluate the capabilities. Please be aware that at some point, you may receive notice from Bentley that such use must cease or this Technology Preview will become unavailable to you. As we receive feedback, this Technology Preview may also be enhanced, updated or also discontinued without notice. As a Technology Preview, it is provided to you "as-is" without the benefit of any Bentley warranty, indemnity or support obligation.

For details of these features, refer to ProStructures help.

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Configuration Changes

In ProStructures CONNECT Edition, you can define two Configuration locations at install time.

First is the Delivered or Installed Configuration. This is the location where the example WorkSpaces are installed. By default, it is installed in C:\ProgramData\Bentley\<product_name> CONNECT Edition\Configuration\ folder. To install it at another location, select the location in the Delivered Configuration field in the Configuration page of the installer. Note that you cannot install the Delivered Configuration at C:\ProgramData\Bentley\<product_name> CONNECT Edition\Configuration, since this was the location of Configuration in previous CONNECT Edition releases and would cause conflicts.

Second Configuration is the Custom or Shared Configuration, which can contain user’s WorkSpaces and WorkSets. To change the path of this Configuration, in the Configuration page, select the Custom Configuration (plus Delivered Configuration) radio button and then set the path in the Custom Configuration field. This Custom Configuration path is in turn written in the ConfigurationSetup.cfg file. The WorkSpaces created in this Configuration are displayed as Custom Configuration WorkSpaces in the Work Page.

The main difference between the Configuration settings in ProStructures CONNECT Edition is that at install time, you could define the path for WorkSpaces and Organization folders within a Configuration; whereas now you can define the path of the Configuration folder itself.

Post-installation, you can define a third location of Configuration using the <-WR> command line argument. Such a Configuration is displayed as User Configuration in the WorkSpaces drop-down list in the Work Page.

The ConfigurationSetup.cfg Configuration File

When a custom Configuration path is defined during installation, it is written to the ConfigurationSetup.cfg file. That defines the root Configuration directory in the _USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION configuration variable. The msconfig.cfg includes the ConfigurationSetup.cfg as follows:

%if exists


% include



Here are the contents of the ConfigurationSetup.cfg, as delivered:


# ConfigurationSetup.cfg - Configures the root Configuration directory

# for Your Organization


# The main function of this configuration file is to allow user to specify

# the root Configuration directory to activate. The active Configuration

# directory is represented by _USTN_CONFIGURATION. By default, it points to

# the installed Configuration defined by _USTN_INSTALLED_CONFIGURATION,

# which can consist of example WorkSpaces and WorkSets.

# If your organization has its own Configuration directory, you can define

# _USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION to that directory path and use it as follows.


#_USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION = D:/.../MyConfiguration/




# START: The section defines user selection at the time of installation.

# These lines are generated by installer.









If a Custom Configuration location is not defined during installation, then _USTN_CONFIGURATION points to the Delivered Configuration folder defined by _USTN_INSTALLED_CONFIGURATION. If a Custom Configuration location is defined during installation, its path is set in _USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION.

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The WorkSpaceSetup.cfg Configuration File

The WorkSpaceSetup.cfg file allows you to customize the WorkSpace. The msconfig.cfg includes the following for WorkSpaceSetup.cfg:

%if exists ($(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaceSetup.cfg)

% include $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaceSetup.cfg


It is recommended that you do not make any changes to the delivered WorkSpaceSetup.cfg. You should copy the delivered WorkSpaceSetup.cfg to the Custom Configuration defined in the ConfigurationSetup.cfg file and then customize it.

Here are the contents of the delivered file:


# WorkSpaceSetup.cfg - Configures WorkSpace for Your Organization


# The main function of this Configuration File is to set the label that

# your organization wants to use for WorkSpaces. WorkSpaces are the

# grouping mechanism for WorkSets. The label for this level of grouping

# could be Client, Facility, Department, Owner, or whatever you would

# like it to be. The default label is the neutral "WorkSpace". Uncomment

# the definition below, and set it to your preferred label.




# A second possible use for this Configuration File is to redirect the

# root directory where your Organization-wide standards are stored to somewhere

# other than the default. The default is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)Organization/.

# It can be changed by redefining _USTN_ORGANIZATION.



# A third possible use for this Configuration File is to redirect the

# root directory where your WorkSpaces are stored to somewhere other

# than the default. The default is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaces/.

# It can be changed by redefining _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT.


# Assume MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION variable points to your desired network location like

#MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION = //MyNetwork/MyWorkSpaces/






The comments in the file explain its three principle uses - setting the WorkSpace label to the desired value for your organization, and possibly redirecting your organization-wide standards data and/or all of your other WorkSpace data to another location (for example, to a network share).

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To Install ProStructures

Note: To discontinue installing the product at any time, click Cancel.

  1. In an Explorer window, double-click the ProStructures setup executable. The ProStructures Installation Wizard opens.
  2. (Optional) To make changes to the default ProStructures Configuration:
    1. Click the Configure button next to ProStructures CONNECT Edition. The Application Install Location page opens.
    2. To change the path where ProStructures is installed, click the Browse button next to the Application Path field. In the Browse for Folder dialog that opens, browse to the drive and folder where you want to install ProStructures, then click OK.
    3. Click Next. The Configuration page opens.
    4. To change the path of Delivered Configuration, click the Browse button next to the Delivered Configuration field. In the Browse For Folder dialog that opens, browse to the drive and folder where you want to deliver the default Configuration, then click OK. The location of Delivered Configuration should be from the local machine.
    5. To set up Custom Configuration, select the Custom Configuration (plus Delivered Configuration) radio button. Then click the Browse button next to the Custom Configuration field. In the Browse For Folder dialog that opens, browse to the drive and folder where your Custom Configuration is located, then click OK. You can select a network location for Custom Configuration.

Note: For information on Custom Configuration, refer to the topic "Configuration Changes in ProStructures CONNECT Edition".

f.  Click Next.

The Features page opens.

g.  In the Feature list, turn on or off the features, as desired.

h.  Click Done.

3.  To read the End-User Licensing Agreement (EULA), click the Licensing Terms link.

The End-User Licensing Agreement opens in a web browser.

4.  After reading the license agreement, turn on the I accept the End User Licensing Terms check box if you understand and agree to the License Agreement Terms and Conditions.

Note that agreeing to the license agreement is required in order to install the product. Turning on the check box displays the Configure and Install buttons at the bottom of the wizard.

5.  Click Install.

6.  Click Finish.

A program group is created for this product. If you chose to use the Product Activation Wizard in the previous step, it opens.

Note: If you uninstall this product through Add/Remove Programs, any files that you created subsequent to the installation of the product will not be deleted. It is recommended that you use Windows Explorer to locate and delete these files, if you so desire.

Log Files

When you install the application, its installation log is created. This log is saved inside C:\Users\User.Name\AppData\Local\Temp. The log file is named as <ProductName>_<YearMonthDate>*.zip. If the installation is executed multiple times, you can take the latest log.

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Command Line Options

The following command line options are valid for running the Setup.exe:

To Make Changes to the Installed ProStructures

  1. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs, right-click ProStructures and select Change. The ProStructures Installer Wizard opens.
  2. Follow steps 2 and 3 from the procedure To Install ProStructures.
  3. Click Install.

Note: You can also open the Installation Wizard by double-clicking the ProStructures setup executable.

To Repair ProStructures

  1. In an Explorer window, double-click the ProStructures setup executable. The ProStructures Installer Wizard opens.
  2. Click Repair. The Select items to repair list displays.
  3. In the Select items to repair list, turn on or off the desired items to be repaired.
  4. Click Repair.

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