How to generate a Backup file from ProStructures CONNECT Edition

Product(s):ProStructures, ProConcrete, ProSteel
Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
Original Author:Alistair Lobo, Bentley Product Advantage Group


At many instances while working with the ProStructures application, you may need to safeguard your work against some unforeseen errors and issues. You can do this by generating a manual backup from within the application itself. 

This document will guide you on how to manually create a backup file of your DGN model in a predefined location of your choice or at the same folder where the original file is present.


1) Open the Configuration Variables command by typing the same in the search bar at the top right corner of the application interface. 

2) You can also access the same by moving to the backstage, clicking on File > Settings > Configuration > Configuration Variables. 

3) Once the Configuration Variables dialog box is opened, search for ‘MS_BACKUP’ variable and click in Edit. 

4) Now, to generate the backup file in the same location as the original DGN file, you need to add the value as ‘$ (_DGNDIR)’ and you will immediately see the current location of the file in the Expansion section of the Edit Configuration Variable dialog box. 

5) Alternatively, if you want to direct the creation of the backup files to a specific folder or location, you can do the same by pasting the folder path in the Value section of Edit Configuration Variables dialog box. 

Once, you are done setting up this variable, click OK.

6) After this, to manually generate the backup of the current file, you need to open the Key-in command, type in backup and click on the enter button. 

7) A backup of the same file will be generated at the specified location and the same can be reviewed in the Message Center. 

NOTE : Currently, it is only possible to create a MANUAL backup from within ProStructures. We do not have an option to create backup files automatically. 

See Also