Error (AutoCAD) - autoload.scr is invalid file name


Error or Warning Message

At startup, the software displays a message indicating "autoload2009.scr" or similar is an invalid file name. 


The file cannot be found because the version of AutoCAD that is currently installed and that corresponds to the .SCR file indicated in the message (in the above case, "2009"), is not compatible with the installed version of Promis.e.

How to Avoid

Install a compatible version of AutoCAD.  See the [[3719|Compatibility Chart]] or Promis.e readme file to determine compatible versions.

Alternatively, if the project database schema has not yet been upgraded, it may be possible to uninstall Promis.e and install the previously used version that is compatible with the currently installed AutoCAD version.

Yet another alternative would be to switch to Promis.e Standalone which has an integrated drafting platform, eliminating the need to maintain AutoCAD licenses and upgrades to remain compatible with Promis.e.

See Also

[[3719|Compatibility Chart]]

[[Error - autoload x64.scr not found]]

[[3597|Moving From promis.e for AutoCAD to promis.e Standalone]]

 Original Author:Matt_P

Keywords: filename, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009