Pen Table Width settings not getting saved

Product(s):ProStructures, ProSteel, ProConcrete
Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
Original Author:Alistair Lobo, Bentley Product Advantage Group


While printing your 2D DGN files, setting up the required Width parameters in the Pen Table does not retain even after saving this.


1) In such scenario, load the respective Pen Table and open the dialog for settings. 

2) Now, open the Map Pen Colors… and set the width parameters as per requirement. 

3) In this case, we will not define the Print Width and remove this.

4) Now, to retain these settings one needs to turn off the Plot style table compatibility mode as "Plot style table compatibility mode" is causing a Width to be required. Disabling this setting will resolve the problem. 

5) Now save the Pen Table settings. 

6) Now, next when you re-open the Pen Table, you will notice that the Width settings are now retained in the next sessions as well.