Create a new family based on existing family

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Component Management
 Subarea:Family Creation

How can I base a new family on an existing family or otherwise copy a family to the same catalog?

Steps to Accomplish

V8i SELECTseries 7 & 8 and CONNECT Edition

  1. Open the existing family by right-clicking it in [[Catalog Manager]] and selecting Modify or by selecting [[Create Family]] and clicking Open .

  2. On the resulting New/Family dialog, make the desired changes then click Save As and save the family with a new name. Changes made before saving will be applied to the new family, not the existing family.

V8i SELECTseries 6 and earlier versions

  1. Open [[Catalog Manager]].

  2. With the Details view active and the Families group of the catalog highlighted, right-click the source family and select Modify.

  3. On the resulting Family dialog, change the text in the Family Name field and click OK to perform a "save as" type of operation.  Other changes made before clicking OK will be applied to the new family, not the existing family.

See Also

[[Create Family]]

 Original Author:Matt_P