Error at Startup - Unrecognized database format, catalog.mdb

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Version(s):08.11.08.xx - 08.11.11.xx
 Area:Database Platform Support

Error or Warning Message

When starting the software, the following error may occurs. Often the software was running without issue prior to this problem, and other errors may occur when other tools are used to access catalogs or their contents.

Internal Error
Error Message: Unrecognized database format "C:\ProgramData\Bentley\promis-e V8i(M)\promise Data\Catalogs\xxxx\catalog.mdb".
TargetSite: Int32 NewConnection(System.String)
DeclaringType: MDBProxy.ConnectionManager
Attributes: internal
MemberType: Method


It is likely that the catalog.mdb file has been corrupted. 

How to Avoid

In more than one case, the problem was resolved by using the Compact & Repair Database function in Microsoft Access.

Option 1 - Compact and repair the database

  1. Have all users close Promis.e/Bentley Substation.
  2. Open Microsoft Access.
  3. Open the catalog.mdb file specified in the error message.
  4. On the File tab, click Info, and then click Compact and Repair Database.

NOTE: If other users are also currently using the database file, you cannot perform a compact and repair operation.

Option 2 - Delete the database

  1. Have all users close Promis.e/Bentley Substation.
  2. Delete or rename the catalog.mdb file specified in the error message. This will cause a new catalog.mdb file to be created when the software is next opened and the catalog is accessed. This process can take a long time as the software scans the catalog's folder for contents.

NOTE: Categories, which appear as subfolders of the catalog in [[Catalog Manager]], exist only in the catalog.mdb file. Therefore deleting this file will lose all Category information for that catalog. Categories are an optional organizational tool, and the catalog will function without them.

External Links

Compact and repair a database

 Original Author:Bhargav