Adding Welds in Steel Connections

Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
Area:Steel Connections
Original Author:Alistair Lobo, Bentley Product Advantage Group

Background Information

How to adjust welds in connections ?


In this example, application of welds to an End plate connection will be demonstrated.

1) When in the End Plate connection dialog box, activate the welds in the Connect tab and set a weld. To change the weld style, click on the Edit Style symbol in the right. 

2) Now the weld style for the top and bottom can be changed. 

3) Save the changes in the welding style before exiting the dialog box. 


4) Now, back in the End Plate dialog box, the inserted welds are not changed directly. You need to change the welding style and reset it again; or turn both welds OFF and ON again. 

This will insert the welds to your End plate connection. Similarly, you can activate this for other types of connections as well.