Error - The value of Attribute_Text is invalid

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Component Management
 Subarea:Parts Database

Error or Warning Message

When clicking Apply, OK, Filter, or other buttons on [[Parts Database Manager]], the following message or similar appears:

The value of Attribute_Text is invalid


This message usually means one of the following related to the part number record being viewed/modified:

How to Avoid

Option 1

  1. Make sure the attributes exist.
    Check [[Options]] > System Options > Symbol Text Sharing to make sure all attributes specified in the Attribute_Text field exist. If any do not exist, remove them from the field or add them to the system by adding them in the Specify Attributes step of [[Create Symbol]] or using the correct Multi_Lanuage_UI.mdb file. The Multi_Lanuage_UI.mdb is specified in Language Database field on [[Setup]] > System Paths. The setup configuration may be pointing to the wrong instance of Multi_Lanuage_UI.mdb.
  2. Make sure each specified attribute has a value.
  3. Make sure proper syntax is used. See the Explanation section above.

Option 2

  1. With the problem part number record displayed in [[Parts Database Manager]], take a screenshot of the contents of the Attribute_Text field.
  2. Delete the contents of the Attribute Text field.
  3. Click the ellipsis button [...] near the Attribute_Text field and add the attributes and values back again. This will reveal any attributes that are missing from the system and help with correct syntax.
  4. If any necessary attributes are not listed on the Attributes dialog, add them to the system in the Specify Attributes step of [[Create Symbol]] or use the correct Multi_Lanuage_UI.mdb file. The Multi_Lanuage_UI.mdb is specified in Language Database field on [[Setup]] > System Paths. The setup configuration may be pointing to the wrong instance of Multi_Lanuage_UI.mdb.

 Original Author:Matt_P