How to maintain or adjust gap between perpendicular shapes in Sketch mode in 2D Drawing?

Product(s):ProSteel CONNECT Edition
Version(s):CONNECT Edition/V8i
Area:Detail Center/Detail Style
Subarea:Drawing output
Original AuthorSandip Kar, Facilities Engineering

Problem Description

In Plan View when trying to generate drawing with shapes displayed as Single line with Widgets, then how to control or maintain the gap between the shapes end to make the nice display.


This is very common detailing practice to get the final output drawing as a very nice representable output. To make this, many users globally use shape display as single line with Widget (to show profile for a certain amount of length). In that kind of output there must be maintained a certain amount of gap to get to know the start and end of the shape or to distinguish between the shapes. This document will explain how to control the gap between those shapes at joint.

Steps to resolve

User can easily achieve the 2D Display of drawing using Display style as Single line with Widget by going to 2D Display > Views > Object Display in Detail Style under the custom object group

Here in the above image

1. Under the Shapes Group - Display of shapes is set to Single line with Widget which gives the output as Single line
2. Under the Sketch Style selected Custom Sketch as named as "Widget". You can choose the Default settings, but better to create one custom Sketch style under 2D Display > Common > Line display > Sketch styles.

This is the location where you can create your own Sketch style and then the same can be called in the object display under the particular Object group. 

In the above image the Edge Distance as highlighted as Yellow is the parameter which controls the gap between the shapes at joint. Here in this example Edge distance is set to 100 which will come by multiplying the Detail scale and the dimension of assigned dimension style.

This is the way how you can maintain the gap between the shapes at joint.