How to change the Right Click Pop Up Menu Pop Up time - OpenUtilities Substation

 Product(s):OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition 
 Version(s): 10.00.XX.XX to 10.09.X2.XX
 Area:Platform Support


Right Click in Substation is used by user as Reset Button and when help pressed for longer time it can be used to access Secondary Menu / Right Click Pop up Menu. But users may some time face issue when they press Right Click for Reset and when help longer it will Pop up the Secondary Menu or Vice versa.

In this Wiki Article we will go through the details on how to change the delay time for  Right Click Pop up Menu.

Steps to Accomplish

1. In OU Substation CONNECT go to Project Manager and select Settings >> User >> Preferences

2. In the Preference dialog select Input under Category, now for the Option Hold Delay increase or decrease the time according to requirement. If you want to delay the response time increase the time by making the delay Long, else decrease the delay making the response time short and select Ok to save the settings.  

 Original Author:Satish Saptasagar