How to Reset Insert Symbol / Macro Dialog in OpenUtilities Substation

 Product(s):OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition
 Version(s): 10.00.XX.XX to 10.09.XX.XX
 Environment: NA
 Area: Component Feature 
 Subarea: NA


Many times users close / remove any Pane in Insert Symbol or Macro dialog they are not able to get the Pane back like eg. Preview, Catalog Tree Pane. This Wiki Article helps in resetting the dialog so that users are able to see the missing pane. 

Steps to Accomplish

1. In the Insert Symbol / Macro dialog that is affected select the down arrow which is located to the left of Place Symbol button and select Resetb Layout. 

2. Select Yes in the Confirm Reset dialog. 

 Original Author:Satish Saptasagar