How Do I Split The Tag Number Annotation To Three Lines For A Pressue-Temperature Gauge In Isogen [T

 Applies To 
 Product(s):AutoPLANT, AutoIsogen
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Import/Export
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The annotation format for tag number is different between control valves and Pressure Temperature gauges. This is a solution to format the annotation the same way as other instruments where the tag is split to three levels. 

How do I split the tag number annotation to three lines for a Pressue-Temperature gauge in Isogen

  1. Open the following file in notepad: ..\modules\base\xchg\pcf\DIALOUT.EBS
  2. Add the following three dim statements

    Dim tag As String
    Dim separator As Integer
    Dim startLoc As Integer
  3. Then add the following code immediately after the first within the if-then statement.

    status = at_Component_getString (tag, compID, "TAGNUMBER")
    startLoc = 1
    separator = Instr (startLoc, tag, "-", 1)
    If (separator <> 0) Then
    Mid$(tag, separator, 1) = "$"
    status = at_Component_putString (tag, compID, "TAGNUMBER")
    End If
    StartLoc = separator + 1
    Loop While (separator <> 0)
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Restart AutoPLANT and then regenerate the iso.


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