Product(s): | ProStructures |
Version(s): | CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX) |
Environment: | N/A |
Area: | Concrete |
Subarea: | Slab Rebar Sets |
Original Author: | Kemuel Jancorda, User Success Team |
When modeling top and bottom rebar sets for slabs in a similar configuration, users might encounter overlapping End Conditions which may cause concrete cover issues in actual site conditions. This document will help you how to create splice behavior between two rebar sets on concrete slab side face.
1. Once the rebars are placed, select the required rebar set and hold right-click button to access its options. Then, go to its Structural Properties.
2. In the RebarSet - Slab dialog, go to End Conditions tab.
3. To align the End Conditions with respect to concrete cover, the user must first check the EC Reduction. This option can be accessed by clicking the "three dots" icon around.
4. To apply the splice, enter an offset value to one of the rebar sets. Preferably, the bar diameter of the opposite rebar must be set to achieve the desired results.
5. You may also introduce offsets for both START and END locations for Top and Bottom Reinforcement by unlocking the similar option around to customize the offsets as per requirements. This would allow options to create similar bar lengths to achieve same bar marks while maintaining the minimum concrete cover requirements.
Applying the required offsets, you can now check the 3D Model of these rebar set as spliced. This also helps you to eliminate rebar collisions between these rebar sets.