How to open/view the ProStructures' file in Tekla structures

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


In this wiki, we will learn how to open and view the file created in the ProStructures in Tekla. This interoperability can be achieved by the IFC export-import. Please refer to the steps below to achieve this interoperability.


1. Open the model i.e. dgn file in the ProStructures CONNECT Edition.

2. Now, export the file to IFC by navigating to File>Export>ProStructures File type> IFC.

3. Once, IFC is created then import the IFC reference in Tekla.
4. Open a Tekla Structures model where you want to insert the IFC reference model.
5. Go to the File menu and select Import > Insert reference model.

In this way by the export and import, once can open the dgn file in the Tekla Structure.

For more information please refer to the link below:
Insert IFC models as reference models

Also, you can convert the IFC models to native Tekla elements which can be referred below:
Convert IFC objects into native Tekla Structures objects