Error : ISM engine failed

 Product(s):ProStructures, Structural Synchronizer, ISM
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
 Subarea:ISM Repository
Original Author:Jitender Singh Sansoa, Bentley
 Updated by:Vyanktesh Nama, Bentley Product Advantage Group


The user is unable to open ISM model error "Initialization of ISM engine failed, Please check your installation of Structural Synchronizer"


The user must have correct compatible Structural Synchronizer version installed on his machine w.r.t the application that he is using.

1. If you have installed a wrong version then please uninstall it.

2. Then download and install the correct compatible version w.r.t your product from the below table.

Product NameCompatible Structural Synchronizer versions with download link
ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5.1 (
ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 (
ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 4 (
ProStructures CONNECT for AutoCAD (2019 & 2020) Update 1 (,,

ProStructures CONNECT for AutoCAD (2017 & 2019) (
ProStructures V8i SELECTseries 6 R2 ( for AutoCAD (2016 & 2017)

See Also