How to add additional views in the Detail Center Standard

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Drawing Production
 Subarea:Detail Center Standard
 Original Author:Mihir Patil, Bentley Product Advantage Group


In the Detail Center Standard, Once the detail style is assigned to part then by default two views are generated in the Views Tab i.e., Top view and Front view

In this wiki, we are going to learn how to add additional views apart from the standard views available in the Detail Center .


1. First, select the single part or group for which you want to generate the additional view and Hide other elements in the Model.

2. Now, open the Detail Center Standard located under Drawing Production tab and reload the parts from the model.

3. Assign the Detail Style to filtered Single/ group parts and then set view/orientation of the that part in the model as per the view is required to be generated. For e.g., here, the selected single part is viewed isometrically and the same view will be added in the Detail Center.

4. Now, after assigning the Detail Style, go to the Views tab and select the single part right click > additional views

5. Now, in the additional views dialog click on the given view ‘View A/B’ and click on the option ‘Pick View’

6. Now, click on the element to set the origin and then right click.

7. The ‘Additional view’ dialog will open and now click on the option ‘Add to Detail’ and then click ‘OK’ to add this view.

8. The additional view will be seen in the view tab and now after generating preview you will see the additional view included in it along with Front View and Top view.

In this way, an additional views can be added and managed in the Detail Center.