How to do Restore Platform Defaults in OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT

Product(s):OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT
Version(s):10.00.XX.XX to 10.07.XX.XX
Environment: N/A
Area: Power Platform Support
Subarea: N/A


Certain dialogs or toolboxes will not open or are missing in Substation Connect. In past cases, affected items included Print Organizer, Tasks, or the File/Edit/Element... menu bar.

The main application window itself would not appear, only the Welcome dialog and Project Manager would appear even after opening a page.


The items could be off-screen, or there could be corruption in user preference files.

Steps to Accomplish

1. Go to Windows Search and type "RUN" or use the shortcut key Windows + R to open the Run command.

2. Next in the Run dialog select the Browse button and go to the location where Substation is installed on local machine and search for Substation.exe file. by default the file is located on below path if not installed on any custom drive. After selecting the file select click on Open.

Location "C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition\Substation"

3. Now in the Run Dialog type " -restoredetails " without the quotes at the end of the open path by providing a space at the end of the path. The details will be as below and see below image as a reference. after adding the details click Ok.

OUS CONNECT:  "C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition\Substation\Substation.exe" -restoredefaults

OUS 2023: "C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation 2023\Substation" -restoredefaults

4. A Text Window will open displaying the details of the Operation. Press any key to complete the processes.


 Original Author:Satish Saptasagar