Bentley Rail Track, previously know as InRail


Bentley InRail (now Bentley Rail Track) is a comprehensive solution for rail infrastructure design and maintenance.

Delivering a high degree of automation to well-established workflows, with the added power of an integrated geometry model that brings into play all aspects of the alignment.

The result:

Available in numerous languages, InRail can be configured to support a wide range of international standards.

Adapt to Any Project or Workflow

InRail adapts readily to virtually any rail design and maintenance workflow, increasing efficiency.

Suitable for designing light rail, heavy rail, and high-speed rail-including MAG-LEV.
Addresses track geometry (yard, depot, and station layouts) and earthworks and ballast.
Users can generate realistic 3D models for analysis and project visualization, create reports for cost estimates and setting-out, and produce fully annotated project drawings/deliverables for client approval and construction.
Best-of-Class Solution

A robust toolset enables users to perform regression analysis, horizontal and cant/super-elevation design, and alignment analysis as concurrent, integrated activities. Turnouts are placed from a user-definable library, with fundamental types based on international standards.

Advanced functionality such as regression analysis, curvature diagrams, slew diagrams, interactive track editing, and automated cant/superelevation analysis completes this best-of-class solution.

Easy to Use

The software provides an intuitive graphical user interface that gives easy access to an impressive set of geometry functionality. Interactive tools enable users to rapidly place, modify, and extend alignments graphically onscreen. Users can configure their own toolbars to group together commonly used tools for repetitive tasks or to organize the tools into a workflow sequence. Context-sensitive help is available at all times, and user prompts display to assist with particular operations.

Survey Data and Analysis

The Text Import Wizard streamlines the importing of track geometry data for the existing alignment. This may be survey data for the left and right rails or for the track centerline. Tools provided in the system automate the sorting and conversion of rail survey data into a horizontal, vertical, and cant alignment ready for regression analysis.

Regression Analysis

InRail employs a least squares method of regression analysis of single and multiple elements to calculate best-fit alignments. Regression points are derived from centerline or rail survey, and analyzed according to user-defined criteria for fixity and weighting to limit movement at critical minimum clearance points. Users can identify groups of points to be included for regression from the combined curvature-and-cant diagram, enabling identification of the existing alignment elements. The inclusion of the cant data provides a more precise match to existing geometry, optimizing the new design alignment while limiting slews and lifts.

Alignment Design

The software provides a full set of tools for horizontal, cant, and vertical alignment design - either by the points-of-intersection method or the element method. Users can move freely between either of these methods at any point during the design process. The alignment design tools contain a comprehensive set of mathematical algorithms covering the full array of horizontal transition spiral types along with their associated cant transition algorithms. Users can describe vertical alignments either by vertical parabolas or by circular vertical curves with vertical transitions.

Integrated Cant Design

The integration of the cant/superelevation design with the horizontal design process gives users immediate visual confirmation of compliance with design standards. Built-in equilibrium equations compute equilibrium cant, applied cant, cant deficiency, rate of change of applied cant, rate of change of cant deficiency, and cant gradient. Transition lengths and applied cant can then be adjusted to optimize the alignment to all cant criteria. Users can also deploy virtual transitions where horizontal transitions are not required.

Library of Turnouts/Switch and Crossings

InRail provides comprehensive capabilities for the placement of turnouts/switch and crossings as parametric components. This technology saves time in the creation of complex geometries based on complex rules for bending/flexing. Users can quickly place turnouts from delivered libraries comprising standard turnouts from many countries. Alternatively, users can add their own designs to the library. The software handles turnouts as well as single and double slips and diamond crossings. The Connection Editor makes fast work of connecting turnouts to create crossovers and joining turnouts to other tracks.

Design Validation, Annotation, and Reporting

Various design checking tools highlight areas of nonconformance with design standards, allowing the user to quickly identify and resolve problems. Designs can also be validated visually with tools such as curvature diagrams, lift diagrams, and slew diagrams, and numerically using plan and profile annotation. The software uses XML/XSL technology to report on all geometries (horizontal, vertical, and cant) - delivering greater flexibility in report format creation.

Flexible Earthworks Modeling

InRail offers proven earthworks modeling technology developed for the Bentley Civil transportation software. Designers can optimize the earthwork to reduce embankment/excavation or to minimize the environmental impact on adjacent properties and facilities. Comprehensive surface editing, profile creation, and cross section tools provide flexibility in the design of ballast, formation, roadway, and earthworks.

Support for Light Rail

A set of tools provides for the particular requirements of light rail design, fabrication, and construction. The software creates detailed light rail elements: rails, joints, switch points, crossing points, distance keepers, and so on. Users can produce the full array of drawings, reports, and specifications for jointed rail, pre-bent rail, and multiple rail types.


Maintenance Workflow

Data Import

Regression Analysis

Design Validation

Export to Field

Design Workflow

Interactive Geometry

Horizontal Alignment

Vertical Alignment



Surface Modeling
