How to Point to Shared Workspace of OpenPlant Modeler

Applies To&
Product(s):OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
Version(s):08.11.09.XXX (SS5) | 08.11.11.XXX (SS6)
Environment:Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Original Author:Harpreet Singh, Bentley Product Advantage Group


By default, workspace root points to the default location of OpenPlant Modeler workspace which is C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlantModeler V8i\WorkSpace. However if modeler workspace is on shared location then OpenPlant Isometrics Manager does not read the shared location. This article will explain the steps required to read the shared workspace.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\OpenPlantIsometricsManager V8i\OpenPlantIsometricsManager\config folder.

  2. Open OPMdir.cfg file in notepad.

  3. Change the path for _USTN_INSTALLED_WORKSPACEROOT variable as highlighted in below picture.

  4. Save the changes and again launch OpenPlant Isometrics Manager. It will read the workspace from shared location.

See Also

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