Export to IFC and Create a COBie Spreadsheet

 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
Environment: N/A
Area: Import/Export
Subarea: IFC

In order to be able to export to IFC with the Output Option for COBie Spreadsheet, the IFC Transformation Utility requires that you manually uninstall the Bentley i-Model ODBC driver first and then replace it with the one included with the current AECOsim Building Designer installer.  This installer doesn't automatically update the currently installed Bentley i-Model ODBC driver with the version packaged in the Beta installer that includes the COBie.exe.

First, uninstall the currently installed "i-Model ODBC Driver for Windows 7" and "i-Model ODBC Driver for Windows 7 (x64)" from Control Panel Programs and Features.  Then double click on the same file names in the install folder to install those instead.  The newer versions included with the latest installer do not overwrite the versions of i-Model ODBC Driver already installed on your computer so you will need to do it manually.

The most recent versions of i-Model ODBC Driver for Windows 7 can also be downloaded from Bentley's iWare site.

This advice applies to SS4 beta and priority builds that contain the IFC Transformation Utility.

Also, see:  https://communities.bentley.com/products/building/building_analysis___design/f/5917/t/84492