Export to IFC Mapping

 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Import/Export
 Subarea: IFC

Problem Description

There is no No IFC Mapping for Space DataGroup Types.


AECOsim Building Designer SS4 now assigns models to Spatial Containment.

Steps to Resolve

You can search for "assigning buildings and floors" in the ABD help: that covers the Assign dialog's ability to map Site, Building and Floor.  Note the additional Project and Site levels in the SS4 Floor Manager tree.

The IFC Export dialog box opens when IFC is chosen from File menu > Export.
This dialog box also opens with the Key-in: IFCOUT.

The active DGN file is exported by information and settings specified in the Output tab including the model view definition, add-on views, mapping options, spatial structure, and output options. A Messages group box also displays information to assist the user in successfully exporting an IFC file.

An Author tab is available to include export file author information, the author's organization information, and additional export comments and information.

Progress of the export is displayed in a separate popup dialog box when the Export button is pressed. Subsequent export status and information messages are displayed in the application status bar Message Center.

Output tab
The following settings and IFC Export controls are available from the Output tab:

1. Model View Definition — Sets the model view definition schema used to export the IFC file. Available options include: IFC 2x3 Coordination View 2.0 and Facilities Management Handover.
WARNING: If the same exported file name exists in the output directory, the existing file is over written without warning.

2. Output Options group box

Create COBie Spreadsheet – Enabled when the Facilities Management Handover Model View Definition is selected, A COBie spreadsheet is created upon export, when on.

Open COBie Spreadsheet – Enabled when the Create COBie Spreadsheet setting is on, the COBie spreadsheet is opened upon export, when on.

Create i-model – Enabled when the Create COBie Spreadsheet setting is on, an i-model is created upon export, when on.

Zip IFC File – A compressed ZIP file is generated (in place of a flat IFC file) upon export, when on.

3. Mapping Options group box

Map DataGroup Types and Properties (primary mapping) – This button opens the Map DataGroup Types and Properties to IFC dialog box where datagroup types and properties are mapped by class and property to the IFC Export file.


4. Map Family/Parts (secondary mapping) – This button opens the Map Custom BuildingDesigner Dataset to IFC Dataset dialog box.

 Here part and family properties are mapped to IFC entities

5.Spatial Structure group box

Assign Building and Floors – This button opens the Assign Models to Spatial Containment dialog box.

 Here a site/building and floor can be assigned to each model in the active project before the active DGN file is exported.

6. IFC Author group box

  • First Name – Enter the first name of the author that exported the IFC

  • Last Name – Enter the last name of the author that exported the IFC file.

  • Role – Enter the role/position of the author that exported the IFC file.

  • E-Mail – Enter the e-mail of the author that exported the IFC file.

  • Phone – Enter a phone number for the author that exported the IFC

7. Organization group box

  • Name – Enter the organization name for the author that exported the IFC

  • Country – Enter the name of the country where the organization, for the
    author that exported the IFC file, is located.

  • Postal Code – Enter the postal code where the organization, for the author
    that exported the IFC file, is located.

  • City – Enter the city where the organization, for the author that exported
    the IFC file, is located.

  • State – Enter the state where the organization, for the author that exported
    the IFC file, is located.

  • Address – Enter the postal address where the organization, for the author
    that exported the IFC file, is located. Two address fields are available to
    enable completeness of address

8. Comment group box — This text box is available to enter any other required,
supplementary, or miscellaneous information and comments.

9. Export button - Exports the IFC file and closes the dialog box.