Editing an RFA Cell

Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
Version(s):V8i SELECTseries 6, CONNECT Edition
Environment: N/A
Area: Import/Export
Subarea: Other


An RFA Cell imports with a clearance volume solid around the equipment.  This is blocking the view of all the details inside it.  Can the volume element be deleted or removed in the RFA without dropping the Cell?


Use Building Element Info dialog after importing the "RFA to Catalog" with the wizard to import the RFA Cell.  You could identify the Shared Cell instance elements in the Compound Cell to break down the various components within it and either change them to Construction Elements or even change the Transparency of them so that they do not display as a solid element.  This can all be done without dropping the Cell.
The RFA is imported as it displays in AutoCAD and cannot be changed during the import process.