Linking Callouts to Typical Details in Structural DocumentationCenter TN

Linking Callouts to Typical Details

Once you have places your typical details on a sheet model you can place and link callouts on the plans to the details.
Create a sheet model for the details.
Then place your stand-alone detail drawings on a sheet using Content -> Referenced Files and the Attach Reference command. (Be sure to choose the option to give each detail a title.)

Next, place the necessary callout on the plan sheet model, not the design model.

In Project Explorer, navigate to the drawing title of the detail. Select the callout on the drawing sheet. Then select the drawing title in Project Explorer, right click, and select “Add Link to Element”.


Note though that the detail number and sheet are still not filled in. You now need to hover over the callout, right-click, and the select “Follow Link”.
You are taken to the detail on the detail sheet model. Now when you go back to the plan sheet the detail and sheet number should be filled in!