CONNECT Edition - Printing rasterized PDF takes very long

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


In OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition, it can take very long to generate a rasterized PDF with the settings: Applying Fence: Type: Block, Mode: Inside, Print: Print as PDF with A0 format, maximized plotting. The same process in AECOsim Buildings Designer V8i SS6 is much faster.


When printing in rasterized mode, all the graphics in the design are converted into raster by the MicroStation display system before being sent to the printer driver. The final plot file (or data spooled through Windows) consists of only non-overlapping raster tiles.

Rasterized printing requires many more passes over the design, resulting in longer print times than a non-rasterized print. Raster data is also usually larger than vector data.

The following variables can be used to improve the speed of the rasterized print. They can be defined under file – Settings – Configuration – Configuration Variables.




Note: Tile Width / Height used for rasterized printing. Default width / height size is 2048 and max is 8192.

Set the values 4096 or 8192 for the above variables. 

Save the settings and restart OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition.

Other language Source: German