CONNECT Edition - How can I Improve The Look of Shadows in Display Style

Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
Version(s):Connect Edition /V8i


You are willing to improve the look of shadows in your display styles using solar lighting? Currently you areĀ having a buildingĀ like below.

Along with a view like below.

Steps to Accomplish

There is a setting in the lighting manager dialog that will drastically improve the look of shadows.

  1. To make the change, open the Light Manager (in v8i : Menu > Settings > Rendering > Light Manager; for ConnectEdition: Visualization Ribbon > Lighting section > Manage).
  2. Change the brightness display from Brightness Multiplier to Adapt to Brightness.

  3. Also, change the value to 6. (You can adjust this later to get stronger(higher numbers) or softer shadows.

You will be ready with a improved solar lighting image.

You can further use the same dialog and set the solar lighting to match your site location, Date and time to get accurate solar lighting.