Compatibility of OpenBuildings and AECOsim with Structural Synchronizer V11

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer, AECOsim Building Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


With the new release of the Structural Synchronizer V11 ( and propagated via CONNECTION Client, this introduces a compatibility issue within the ISM workflow with previous releases of OpenBuildings Designer and AECOsim Designer.


For all versions of AECOsim CONNECT Edition and OpenBuildings Designer Update 5, one needs to add a new Environment Variable to your Windows OS:

In Windows 10 or Windows 8.1:

1.Open the Start Search, type in “env”, and choose “Edit the environment variables for your account” OR open Control Panel > User Accounts, Click the "link" on the left: Change my environment variables.

2.Under the “User variables for <username>” section (the upper half),  click “New” and type in ‘ISM_MULTI_APPLICATION_DOMAIN’ for the Variable name and ‘1’ for the Variable value and choose ‘OK’ to confirm and close the dialog.

3.Back in the main ‘Environment Variables’ dialog choose "OK" and your changes are saved!

4.This should reinstate your ISM workflows with AECOsim or OpenBuildings using Structural Synchronizer V11.