Applying structural drawing rule based on Selection Set

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Drawing Views

Problem Description

How to apply structural drawing rule based on Selection Set in OpenBuildings Designer?


Please follow the below mentioned steps through which you can apply structural drawing rule based on Selection Set.

  1. At first, open the Configuration Variable dialog box and create a new variable "BB_ALTERNATE_SELECTSET" and define its value as 1. 


  1. Then place a beam/column, create a plan callout and open the drawing model. In the drawing model open the Reference Presentation dialog box and under the Structural tab select any rule to modify it. 

  2. Upon modification, please select the rule and change the Based On drop-down to Selection Set where you will notice that the cursor is not greyed out and is active. 


  1. After getting the Element ID when you update the rule it will display the Element ID under the Criteria column.