How to Set Default Annotation of Pipe Run with Pipeline Tag in OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition
Version(s): Update 7+

Environment: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Area: Customization
Subarea: UserInterface
Original Author:Ashutosh Patil Product Advantage Group


There is a requirement from user that when he places any pipeline in the drawing, it should be automatically annotated like other components. Since pipeline is a logical group and not a graphical component therefore it can't be annotated but Pipe_Run related to that particular can be annotated with the Pipeline Tag. This article will explain the steps required to annotate the pipe run with pipeline tag

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch Bentley Class Editor CE .

  2. Bentley Class Editor can also be launched through OpenPlant Project Administrator CE.

  3. In OpenPlant Project Administrator, Click on OpenPlant PID application for the required project in WorkSpace and click on Tools. After clicking on OpenPlant PID, in Tools-> Class Editor icon gets enabled as shown in image below.

  4. Considering OpenPlant_ Metric : Open the OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecshema.xml & supplement it with OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08.ecshema.xml through below default std path.
    (OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecshema: Std Path(C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Workspaces\WorkSpace\WorkSets\OpenPlantMetric\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas)   

  5. Go to Piperun or type in search,”Piping_Network_Segment”

  6. Go to Properties tab in PIPING_NETWORK_SEGMENT &  add a new property PIPELINE_TAG.

  7. Add below Custom Attributes in PIPELINE_TAG.
    -Annotation Custom Attributes.
    -Calculated EC Expression Specification

  8. In Applied Custom Attributes as it can be seen location of schemas being OpenPlant_PID.01.08 change it to OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08 for all three custom attributes and hit on ok

  9. Category custom attribute can be copied from desired other properties.Or it can be inserted into Tag Information section

  10. In Annotation Custom Attributes make the below changes and as per the requirement keep the Placement as 1 or 2 .
    Depending upon the number the tag will displayed one after other.

  11. Add "Calculated ECProperty Specification"custom attribute on it and add below EC Expression.

    And save the changes in Class Editor.

  12. Launch OpenPlant PID CE.

  13. Create a pipeline and place it on the drawing. As soon as the pipe run is placed annotation is linked to cursor, place the annotation.

  14. Place a major pipeline in vertical direction, in Place Annotation window check for Rotate on placement.


See Also

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