How to add Raw Data in a table and export it to Excel

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer 
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area: Import/Export
 Subarea: Reports


For any element, the Raw Data is a property group that cannot be added through the Schedules tool. But for project purposes, this data may need to be exported to an Excel sheet or sometimes placed as the table in a DGN file. This particular data is only visible through the MicroStation Properties dialog. 



Here we have shown the workflow for how this can be done using ‘Range High’ and Range Low’ as an example.

1. Open the ‘Reports' tool and click on the ‘New report definition’ button. 
2. Properties will display in the window. Under the ‘Objects’ panel click the Browse button next to 'Selected', tick on ‘Elements’ from the list and click on ‘OK’.
3. Next, right-click on ‘Column’ and select ‘Add Column’ from the dropdown menu.
4. The ‘Select a Column to Add’ dialog box will pop up. There the ‘Element’ option needs to be expanded to see all the available categories.
5. At the very bottom ‘Raw Data’ can be found so from there select ‘Range High’ and ‘Low’.
6. On the top of the Reports dialog box click on ‘Export Results’. After giving it a name the Excel file will be created in the desired location.
7. Close the ‘Reports’ dialog box and open the ‘Place Table’ tool.
8. In the Place Table dialog box click on the ‘From report’ icon.
9. Then from the ‘Report’ dropdown select the newly created report definition. You can now place it as a Table in the DGN file.