Edit a connection in iTwin Synchronizer Client

You can see existing data mapping and make necessary changes to it using Edit option.


Make changes to the connection 

1. User will be able to unmap one or more files from the existing connection.  

2. To unmap some files from the connection the user selects the edit option as shown in image above.

3. Edit option shows all the files in the connection. User must click these unmap icons for the files he wants to unmap.


4. Once the user clicks on the unmap icon it gets changed to a different icon indicating that the file has been selected for unmap.

5. Once the files have been selected for unmap user can click on Next button as shown below  


On click of Next button the following dialog pop-up and you will be able to choose how to proceed.

On the click of the Unmap button the unmap process occurs based on the choice made.


Selecting the first option save the changes to the particular connection and returns user to the connections page.

Selecting the second option starts the unmap process and is indicated by dialog below.


Shows done message on successful completion, giving user the option to view the unmapped changes by going to imodel or back to the connections.