Synchronization best practice

With the help of iTwin Connectors (see the full supported list here) data from different engineering applications are aggregated and aligned into a unified iModel format that is associated with your iTwin. Here are some resources that might be helpful:

  1. All information on how to best spatially align data before synchronization can be found in the iTwin Spatial Alignment Wiki. You can find information about Reality Data, GIS data, as well as main engineering file types.
  2. Additional best practices about specific iTwin Connectors:
    1. Bentley Civil files for OpenRoads
    2. Bentley Civil files for OpenBridge
    3. ProsStructures Data
    4. SmartPlant Instrumentation
    5. Plant Applications files


Why does the Version Compare show unexpected changes in Navisworks Models?

When importing a new version of a Navisworks model and using version compare, you may see elements appearing as changed that you didn't expect to be counted as changed. 

Since Navisworks does not store a unique identifier e.g. GUID, code, etc. in the element that can be used as a basis to track changes in the updates to an iModel, the connector uses the full path of the element as the identifier. The full path is composed of the name of the element and the names of its parent elements in the hierarchy. For example: ProjectExport.nwd/BuildingFile.rvt/wall/default

For the iModel update to work properly, so that it can determine if an element is new, has changed, has been deleted or has not changed, the names need to be consistent between the current Navisworks model that the connector is processing compared to the earlier version. If any portion of the name is changed like in the following example then it will be considered as a element changed because the connector uses the full path as the identifier to track change.

Initial Run: ProjectExport.nwd/BuildingFile_Date_20220326.rvt/wall/default

Later Run: ProjectExport.nwd/BuildingFile_Date_20220427.rvt/wall/default

As you can see, the Revit filename used to create the Navisworks model has changed between the two versions and as a result, when the connector processes elements such as the "default" wall, it will mark the wall from BuildingFile_Date_20220326.rvt as deleted and the wall from BuildingFile_Date_20220427.rvt as a new element in the iModel.

How do I select an IFC Door in an iModel?

The IFC Connector imports IfcSpace and IfcOpening which are selectable in Design Review. It is observed that when IfcDoor is used along with IfcSpace and IfcOpening, directly selecting IfcDoor is not possible as IfcOpening and IfcSpace are elements in the hierarchy above IfcDoor.

The following are two ways to select IFCDoor if you are unable to directly select it in Design Review.