Here are the various ways you can synchronize your engineering data to an iTwin:
- iTwin Synchronizer portal – iModel can be processed and mapped directly from the iModel Manager, making a connection with your shared repository.
- iTwin Synchronizer client – a standalone desktop tool that enables you to sync design changes from your desktop design application with an iTwin in the cloud.
It is important to know the benefits and current limitations of synchronization options to choose the best for your project workflows right now.

- Currently, you cannot use both synchronization options for the same iModel.
- Check the list of supported applications and file formats for any possible differences.
- Currently, you cannot change the associated Connection Type.
iTwin Synchronizer portal:
- Mapping data in the Synchronizer portal requires you to make a connection per Connection Type (or domain application) type. For example, if your data includes both MicroStation and Revit files, you will need to set 2 separate connections: one for .dgn files, and another for .rvt files.
- To create a connection in the Synchronizer portal, a data source needs to support Bentley IMS authentication. If PW DI datasource needs to be used, make sure this is enabled as it does not support PW logical accounts.
- The workflow when two users attempt to synchronize the same file in two different connections to the same iModel is not supported.
- Editing the data map workflow is currently not supported. You may need to create a new connection.
- The maximum connections that can be defined per iModel is 100. Overall, each iModel can have up to 250 master files in all of the connections. If the application supports referencing, additional files can be synchronized by referencing these additional files in the master files.
iTwin Synchronizer client:
- Multiple copies of the same file on different machines are discouraged due to a high risk of causing change conflicts that would be out of synch with the most current changes.
- It is recommended that synchronizing Design Data to an iModel should be done with files that are stored or located at a common location that can be accessed by all Team Members.
Here are the main differences from the suggested workflows: