Defining project team members and their permissions is the first step when you want to start working with iModels.
There are several Role Based Access Control levels, which defines the action a project member can perform:
- View - allows to view iModel in web browser, but does not allow to get its local copy and view in desktop app.
- View/Read - allows to open and view an iModel only in read-only state.
- View/Read/Write - allows to make changes to an iModel. Allows to create and modify named versions. Allows to create mapping between PW connection and iModel to facilitate bridges.
- View/Read/Write/Manage - allows to create an iModel. Allows to edit iModel metadata (e.g. Name, Description). Allows to configure access per iModel. Allows to manage locks, codes or local copies for the entire iModel.
- View/Read/Write/Manage/Delete - allows to delete an iModel.
These global level project permissions can be set up in Project Team Management > Project Role Management portal under iModelHub service permissions category.

You can also define individual permissions for iModel scope. Read more here.