Suggested training sequence

This Wiki entry attempts to suggest a sequence of training as a guide through the various training contents available to GenerativeComponents users and those who would like to explore GenerativeComponents and perhaps become users:

  1. High-level introduction to GC on the GC Community Wiki.
  2. GenerativeComponents with AECOsim Building Designer QuickStart on the Bentley LEARNserver.

at times delivered as a live presentation:

  1. GenerativeComponents principles (recording) and slides.
  2. GenerativeComponents product community Forum for questions (this product forum - you are here already!).
  3. GenerativeComponents SIG workshop recordings (tentatively sorted in ascending difficulty, not an exact science):
    1. 2019-04 Arcs, Cones, Toroids
    2. 2019-05 Transactions
    3. 2019-06 Collected User Topics
    4. 2019-03 DoubleTangentController Demystified
    5. 2019-01 Alignment-Based Modeling
    6. 2019-02 The GenerativeComponents SDK Sample Solution (2) - Digging Deeper