Selecting features does not work or does not select all required features

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Exor SM Spatial Manager
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










 When selecting sections by attribute nothing is displayed graphically even though the selected sections are evident within the background table. Similarly, when selecting sections manually, only a relatively few (100 - 150) can be viewed graphically. If more sections are added the graphics "reset" and nothing is displayed.


 The problem is with the tables Arcmap/ArcSDE uses to hold selected features. These are called SDE_LOGFILES and SDE_LOGFILE_DATA. First thing to do is drop them. Log in to sqlplus under your username and run:

drop table sde_logfiles;


drop table sde_logfile_data;

They will get recreated the next time you log back into SDE/SM. For preventing this happening in the future, take a look at this ESRI article:

See Also

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External Links

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